New York: People infected with Covid-19 experienced an increase in the risk of around 25 percent to develop psychiatric disorders in four months after their infection, compared to those who have other types of respiratory tract infections, found research.
Researchers at Oregon State University in the US found that Covid patients have a level of 3.8 percent to develop psychiatric disorders compared to 3.0 percent for other respiratory tract infections.The difference of 0.8 percent amounted to around 25 percent of the relative risk increased.This team specifically saw anxiety disorders and mood disorders and found an increase in small but significant risk for anxiety disorders and there was no change in the risk of mood disorders.
The result is talking about the need for patients and health care providers to be more proactive in dealing with mental health problems after Covid infection, said Lauren Chan, a doctoral student in nutrition in the College of Public Health and Human Sciences OSU.”For people who have Covid, if you feel anxious, if you look at some changes in how you live life from a psychiatric perspective, really right for you to seek help,” said Chan.
For this study, published in the journal World Psychiatry, researchers entered data 46,610 Covid-19 positive individuals and control patients diagnosed with different respiratory infections so that they can compare how Covid specifically affects the patient’s mental health.They see the level of psychiatric diagnosis for two time periods: from 21 to 120 days after the diagnosis of the patient’s COVID, and from 120 to 365 days after diagnosis, limited to patients without previous mental diseases.
When the patient leaves the doctor’s office, sometimes the treatment stops there, but Chan recommends that the provider considers the call in two weeks to check-in “I do not want to say that everyone who gets Covid will experience problems like this, but if you begin to have concern for yourself or family members, which never happened. You must have to find treatment for yourself or other people around you, “said Chan.