Phytonutrients are natural compounds found in fruits, vegetables and wheat products that help work with other important nutrients in promoting good health. Fitonutrients come with many health benefits for the body. This helps in preventing cell damage throughout the body. Filled with antioxidant properties, phytonutrients also help reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s. It is recommended to consume foods filled with phytonutrients to provide the body of the benefits needed. In an interview with HT Lifestyle,
Dr. Siddhant Bhargava, a fitness and nutrition scientist, one of the founders, Food Darzee said, “Although Phytonutrients are also available in the form of supplements, they are best consumed through natural foods, especially fruits, and vegetables. Therefore, one must add colors to their food to live longer and healthier. Try to enter as many vegetable colors as possible in your food and snacks. Eat all the fruits and vegetables in red such as strawberries, tomatoes, apples, watermelons, etc. “
He further added that this food helps protect against prostate cancer, heart disease and lung disease too. Green foods such as spinach, avocados, asparagus, broccoli, etc. Packed with cancer blocking chemicals that help prevent the action of causing cancer compounds. Oranges, bananas, mangoes, pumpkin, carrots, etc., orange and yellow -colored foods provide cryptothanxin beta, which supports intracellular communication and can help prevent heart disease.
Blue and purple food items such as blueberries, raisins, eggplants are full of strong antioxidants that help prevent cell aging and blood clots. Onions, cauliflower, garlic-item foods are brown and white-equipped with anti-tumor properties.
Speaking of the amount of consumption of such food items, Siddhant Bhargava records some tips: Servings: Two servings in the morning, evening and night in the form of half a cup of vegetables or fruits.
Hunger in between If you feel huger in between eating, the doctor recommends that we can take fruit or plate of raw sliced vegetables.
Local: Focus on fruits and vegetables that are prepared locally because they are experienced and packed with phytonutrients.