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Health Tips

5 Side effects of Drinking Too Much Water

For any condition, water is one of the best therapeutic tonic. It makes your body walk by rinsing the contaminant that might damage it. While many health experts recommend drinking eight to ten glasses of water every day, there is the potential that drinking too much water can cause difficulties. Drinking too much bad water for your health because it inhibits the ability of the kidneys to remove extra water and melt sodium in the body. According to Dr. Shikha Sharma, a health and nutritionist in New Delhi, said that drinking too much water can cause inappropriate kidney function and can cause cell swelling that is harmful to health. Also Read – Better Better: 5 Extraordinary Health Benefits of Amla Juice with an Empty Stomach

5 Surprising Side Effects of Drinking Too Much Water:

Causes Hyponatremia :It is said that drinking too much water can cause fluid overflowing and imbalance in the body. Excess water can cause the body’s salt levels to fall, causing nausea, vomiting, cramps,fatigue, and other symptoms. Hyponatremia is a medical term for this condition. Reading too – Smoking takes victims of the reproductive health of men and women, the doctor explained

Reduces Electrolyte in body: Electrolyte levels fall when you drink too much water, and its balance is shaken. Symptoms such as muscle pain and cramps can occur when electrolyte levels are low. Also Read – Weight Loss Tip: Do you lose inch but don’t lose weight? Nutritionists explain the reason

Frequent urination: frequent urination, in every 15 minutes, can be very uncomfortable, both at home, work, or at school. Your kidney works continuously when you consume too much water. As a result, you will find yourself rushing to the bathroom regularly.

Makes you tired:: Excessive water intake can cause fatigue and fatigue. Your kidneys may have to work harder if you drink too much water, causing hormonal reactions that make the body make your body worry and fatigue.

Increases the risk of cancer: Chlorine is used to clean tap water in a number of countries. According to experts, consuming too much chlorinated water over a long period of time increases the risk of bladder and testes cancer.

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