Who has issued a warning about the latest virus disorders – Monkeypox. The most significant manifestation of monkey smallpox is the skin of the largest organ system.One thing that everyone is afraid of is a cosmetics facial scars. They can cause pain, discomfort, and self -awareness of a person so that it affects the quality of life.
In monkeypox, skin lesions in the form of vesicular lesions which then cause the formation of crust and then scars. Many other disorders such as nodulocytical acne, trauma, surgical procedures, sports injuries and viral infections such as varicella (chickenpox), herpes together with monkeypox can cause scar tissue. In severe cases, skin scars can even limit a person’s mobility. The level of scar tissue is based on the severity of genuine skin lesions, delays in treating skin disorders and also in hormone and gene interactions.
Early diagnosis and specific treatment are very important for preventing staining scars. Your goal must always calm inflammation and avoid doing anything that will irritate your skin more.Some people are more vulnerable to scar tissue while others come through cases of severe facial skin disorders without visible scar. The right knowledge about skin care during and post -infection is very important.
Scars type
Wounds are fibrous tissue areas that replace normal skin after inflammatory insults. There are two classification of the area of scar tissue facial: atrophy and hypertrophic. Atrophic scar takes a concave niche shape on the skin, which has a pitted appearance. This is caused when the underlying structure supports the skin, such as fat or muscles, disappear. This type of scar tissue is often associated with acne, chickenpox, monkeypox, surgery or accident.
Facial atrophy sighters are divided into four main types: selection of ice, carriages, shallow/atrophy and valleys/rolling wounds. Valley Scars (Rolling Scars) deeper and have the most valued wavy appearance in indirect lighting. Because acne, monkeypox and chicken pox scars are skin defects, they need treatment modality that reaches dermis to achieve clinical increases. Hypertrophic scars occur when the skin is excessive collagen, which causes scars to be lifted over the skin. Keloid scars are a serious form of scar tissue.